Key Features
* Four complete practice tests cover all the papers for the Cambridge ESOL YLE test at the Starters (Movers/ Flyers) level, covering the four skills.
* Includes Cambridge ESOL grammar structures and vocabulary lists.
* Unique double-page spread 'speaking picture' which gives authentic exam practice and also has added value in the classroom.
* Easy- to-use downloadable Teacher’s Notes are packed with ideas for additional activities and tips for improving exam performance.
* Teacher’s Note also include full audio script and answer keys. Available from http://www.macmillanenglish.com/courses/young-learners-english-practice-tests/
* 專為「劍橋兒童英語認證」所設計,內含四組模擬試題。包含聽力、閱讀、寫作和口說四大題型。
* 本書附CD一片,書後附有該級數考試所需具備的文法架構及單字表。
* 書中的口說試題彩圖為跨頁設計,不僅可以提供模擬考試的真實情境,更可以運用於課堂教學。
* 老師可至網站