108課綱跨科素養 用寫作完美開啟
CHAPTER 1 Sentences—statements 直述句
Writing the beginning of statements
Adding punctuation to statements
Fact or opinion?
Word order in statements
Review Test
Writing task: Writing statements
CHAPTER 2 Sentences—questions and exclamations 疑問句與感嘆句
Adding punctuation to questions
Linking parts of questions
Adding punctuation to exclamations
Questions and exclamations
Review Test
Writing task: Writing questions
CHAPTER 3 Every sentence has a verb 句子的主要動詞
Adding doing verbs to statements
Adding doing and saying verbs
Checking each sentence for a verb
Writing sentences correctly
Review Test
Writing task: Writing verbs
CHAPTER 4 Noun groups 名詞詞組
Using common nouns as labels
Using capital letters for proper nouns
Adding punctuation to stories
Using adjectives in descriptions
Recognizing adjectives
Adding adjectives to texts
Review Test
Writing task: Writing sentences with noun groups
CHAPTER 5 Sentences that tell how, where or when 描述如何、何地、何時的句型
Adding words that tell how
Adding words that tell where
Adding words that tell when
Writing texts in logical order
Review Test
Writing task: Writing phrases to tell where and when
CHAPTER 6 Connecting ideas in sentences 句子的組成
Connecting ideas using and
Connecting items in lists using commas
Connecting ideas using but
Connecting ideas using or
Connecting ideas using because
Connecting ideas using so
Connecting ideas using so and because
Review Test
Writing task: Connecting ideas in texts
CHAPTER 7 Writing conversations 對話寫作
Using speech marks to write conversations
Using words instead of said in conversations
Writing conversations
Review Test
Writing task: Writing conversations
CHAPTER 8 Informative texts 資訊型文章
Writing paragraphs in reports
Summarizing paragraphs in reports
Sorting sentences into paragraphs for a report
Using pronouns to replace nouns
Sequencing events in paragraphs
Writing the method in recipes
CHAPTER 9 Imaginative texts 想像型文章
Creating characters for stories
Creating settings for stories
Judging a story plot
Writing complications for stories
Writing resolutions for stories
Analyzing the elements of a story
Considering the audience for a story
Planning stories
Writing play scripts
CHAPTER 10 Persuasive texts 論說型文章
Writing common opinions
Recognizing point of view
Writing an opposite point of view
Writing different points of view
Writing reasons for a point of view
Using persuasive words
Sequencing arguments
Writing argument texts
Writing advertisements
CHAPTER 11 Puzzles 字謎遊戲
Writing common nouns
Spotting the adjectives in find-a-word puzzles
Solving noun crossword puzzles
Writing proper nouns for people’s names
第 1-7 章將幫助學生熟悉常見的寫作規範,每一章皆由數個學習單元和一個複習測驗所組成。各章的複習測驗,有助於檢驗學生是否已確實掌握該章節所闡述的寫作技巧。
第 8-10 章的重點則是了解資訊型文章、想像型文章與論說型文章的差異,並讓學生實際練習。學生將有機會運用書中提供的寫作架構與文章範例,練習自由寫作。
第 11 章讓學生利用主題式的單字聯想和字謎方塊遊戲,學習並寫下具有關聯性的單字,進而增加字彙量。填字遊戲必須逐字拼寫正確單字,有助於讓學生更熟悉英語的拼寫規則。